Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas

It's this time of year that I usually will have made my decision on whether or not to embrace the Christmas music having been poured down our throats since about 3 hours after Thanksgiving dinner. Let's face it, we have the classics... Nat King Cole, dare I say Elvis, among many... Then, we have the new stuff that is either a blatant regurgitation of Christmas past, or if it is even somewhat original is so cheesy that emo kids can't even help but to stop crying and go hug their parents in sheer love and affection for the season. Barf.

So where does this leave us? The classic music is obviously dated, and there's hardly ever anything new that's worth listening to. And so... We have to make a conscious decision; "Do I just give in this year?" Well, my friends, this year I have. You'll catch me singing along emphatically with Blue Christmas. Thanks Elvis! I've never had more fun faking a seisure and pretending to cough out a melody.

All of the new stuff's not bad though. Several non-mainstream Alternative acts have put out some pretty awesome christmas music in the past few years. It just takes some looking to weed through the mess.

So happy hunting..
And all the best to you and yours.


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